Products Category

CE Certified Fall Arrest Hooks

Our locking snap hooks meet rigorous CE standards for the best fall protection in safety equipment and all aluminium and steel carabiners are certified to EN362, different locking mechanisms and sizes are available. EN362:2004 specifies requirements for personal protective equipment against falls from a height such as connectors. All hooks have been certified and tested and are an integral part of any fall protection system.

AF-09 Carabiner
AF-10 Carabiner
AF-11 Carabiner
AF-15 Carabiner
AF-16 Carabiner
AF-18B Carabiner
AF-18K Carabiner
H-3101 Hook
AF-75 Carabiner
AF-76B Carabiner
H-7101 Hook
AF-77C Carabiner
H-7105 Hook
AF-80B Carabiner
H-7110 Hook
H-6701 Hook
AF-81 Carabiner
H-7102 Hook
AF-81C Carabiner
H-7102C Hook
AF-84 Carabiner